Saturday, May 16, 2009

Where's all the water coming from?

For a Saturday morning, I woke up pretty early, figuring I'd get a head start on the things I wanted to accomplish. One of those things happened to be laundry. So I gathered our dirty clothes together and headed down stairs. Passing by the kitchen I heard a faint drip, drip, drip, drip. I thought, "That's weird; the faucet isn't leaking." I decided to take a closer look when suddenly my foot was wet. Looking down, I could see that my entire kitchen floor was soaked! Not just damp or a little puddle but completely soaked and it was starting to splash up the wall and cupboards. Then I thought, "This can't be good. The fridge is broken or the dishwasher must have leaked." But that was not the case. The next thing I knew, my head was becoming increasingly wet by the same drip, drip, drip, drip I had heard just seconds ago. Water was coming out of our light fixture. Now, I'm not a rocket scienctist but I do know that that is not where water is suppose to come from. Water plus electrical lights equals bad ju-ju. I set my things down and ran upstairs to confims my suspision. And I was right. It was the water heater. Something in it finally gave out after being used for 25 years. I hollered for Jake to wake up and call the landlord; we had a big problem. Jake rolled out of bed to see what I was fussing about and once he saw it, he quickly dialed the landlord while I tried my best to dry out our kitchen.
A while later, the landlord and manager came over to do what they could to help fix our water heater. But alas, nothing could be done to save it. They ventured out and purchased a new one and are currently installing it. While they were taking out the old one, I decided there wasn't a need for me to stick around with Jake overlooking everything. So I did what I think was a great idea. I went shopping! I ended up purchasing two tee's and two tank's. They're plain but cute and I got a fairly good deal on everything.
What a crazy morning! Our plans have been pushed back but we are not complaining. If you've ever been to our place you know the water heater was a noisy piece of equipment, even hours after use because of the years of lime build up. Jake and I couldn't be happier that they're installing a brand new one. Not only will it be quieter around our house, but we think the hot water will last longer and my skin won't be so itchy because of the better quality of water that will be passing through our pipes. YAY!
When this is all finished, we'll shower and then go out to lunch at Costa Vida. We feel we deserve it a little considering had a date planned for today.