Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day One

My attempt to eventually run a marathon has started today and I know the journey will be a long one. I plan on running at least one 5k this summer with my sister Kimberly. As a result, I started training today and it went extremely well. I may be able to bump up to a half marathon in no time. However, we'll see. In the past, I have be extremely motivated do things like run marathons and to exercise and to eat well but my motivation does not ever last very long. Thus I am using The Blog as a motivational tool. This outlet will mainly be for me and will not be eloquent in any way, shape, or form, but if you find you enjoy it, that's great.
Running, on a track or elsewhere, isn't something I've done since high school graduation. That's not to say that I've never "worked out" in the past 4 and a half years but I usually stay on the olyptical. Running on a track today was comparatively liberating. Back in the day I used to go running on trails and I think that may be something I start doing again this summer along with my other plans to go hiking in as many places in Utah as time permits.
Anywho, I don't know how long it took me but I warmed up with a lap (the track is half a mile) then I commenced running and kept going for two miles. Honestly, I was loving it and could've kept going but the shower was calling my name so I could get ready for work. Tomorrow's run, I hope, will be just as enjoyable.

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