Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day Two

Today was overall a crappy day when it came to getting things done that I really wanted to do. My alarm didn't go off this morning so I didn't go running which ended up being a good thing because Kati texted me that she was exhausted and going to sleep in. This way we both got a little more sleep. The day started off good. I got a new student to keep track of his behavior which I wouldn't mind except all of our ducks weren't in a row so the interventions we're doing aren't going to be effective in the least bit. This doesn't have anything to do with running but it is a frustration which is one reason why I like to run. I find that my mind opens as I run. I think more clearly on how to solve problems. This is because I don't have anything else to and I have to think about something to keep my mind off of any pain I could be feeling.
I had to go in for an ELED interview which was ok but then I had to go to a REAL class which I haven't done since last summer and paying attention is such a chore. Broadcast classes are awesome in that you don't really have to pay attention. Once again, this is just another source of my frustration.
However, I have an awesome husband who loves to give me good news. And he gave me some great news in regards to his graduation status. I'm so proud of him and all that he's doing to help keep our little family a float. My time is very limited with him this semester so, in my eyes, going running or to the gym in the evenings isn't an option. In the summer that'll probably change.
Maybe tomorrow will be better and I'll be able to go running but I doubt it. Everyday it seems like I have a new assignment due that I either didn't know about or forgot about so I've no free time. Tomorrow night is no exception; I already know. I've got a Math Module that I was suppose to start last week but haven't been able to do. A one page summary for a redundant assignment is also on my list. And most importantly, I need to study for stupid PRAXIS. I can't fail that test. I don't have time or the money to retake it. BAH. Finding time to do the things I want to do shouldn't be this difficult. It's absurd that I have to plan out time weeks ahead of schedule to hang out with Jake.

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